Yellow River Scenic Area


Located 20 kilometers northwest of Zhengzhou, Zhengzhou Yellow River Scenic Area is a National AAAA Tourist Attraction and a Yellow River National Geopark. Lying along the dividing line of the midstream and downstream of Yellow River, it is the end of Loess Plateau and the starting point of North China Plain. You can appreciate Yellow River’s features of “suspension, peril, agitation, broadness and turbidity” there. Backed by Mangshan Mountain, the number one mountain in Central Plains, the scenic area is adjacent to Yellow River in the north, Beijing-Guangzhou Railway in the east and the ancient battlefield of the well-known war between Chu and Han in the west. With an area of over 20 square kilometers available for visit, the scenic area stretches 7 kilometers from east to west, and 6 kilometers from north to south. Five scenic spots—Yan and Yellow Emperors Square, Wulong Mountain, Luotuo Mountain, Yueshan Temple and Xinghai Lake—have been built and opened to the public, being dotted with a series of attractions, such as “Yan and Yellow Emperors”, “Buyu”, “Dayu”, Yellow River Stele Forest, the First Bridge of Yellow River, Futian Pavilion and Jimu Pavilion. It is regarded as a bright jewel on the Yellow River.

Address: North Section of Jiangshan Road, Huiji District, Zhengzhou, Henan province

Tel: 0371—68222228  

Grade of the Scenic Area: 4A  

Category of the Scenic Area: Natural scenic spot  

Ticket Price: 60 RMB/person   

Open Time: Summer: 6:00-20:00

 Winter: 6:30-18:00

Copyright by Zhengzhou Municipal Tourism Administration